Generating a personalized FSA score involves four easy steps:

1. First, you will need to register with an email address; after which you can directly log into the website.

2. Second, you can upload your compressed resting-state fMRI data in NIFTI format (e.g. nii.gz, nii). We recommend uploading anonymized T1w MRI data in NIFTI format along with rs-fMRI data. If you do this, we will recognize the T1w data and utilize it in the rs-fMRI data processing. We will delete your uploaded data after calculation of the FSA score.

3. Once your data is uploaded, we will process your request as quickly as possible. Your resting-state fMRI data will first automatically run in a MATLAB-based toolkit BRANT for preprocessing, after which a personalized FSA score will be calculated.

4. Finally, users can download a quality control (QC) report as well as the FSA score( example of the result ). A visual check of the QC report is recommended to examine head motion, signal to noise ratio, and image registration.